Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tossing up Plain Ramen Noodles

Top Ramen and Marchuan Ramen are the College Kid's staple foods. It's cheap, provides a burst of energy, and ,while not necessarily very nutritious, it fills a hole. It comes in a laundry list of flavors and there are several other brands that offer vegetable packets for more flavor and fill (often those kind are microwaveable).

My delicious, filling, perfect comfort creamy chicken ramen recipe

One day I wanted something to eat, but all we had was a box of Ramen. You know the big 12 pack boxes you can buy for maybe $3 max? I started digging through the fridge and instantly thought of the creamy chicken ramen flavor you can buy in some grocery stores. It's similar to the normal chicken, but just has dairy solids in the salt packet, which doesn't sound very appetizing. 

I decided to experiment and this is what I did:

You need:
1 packet of  Chicken Ramen
1 c. of water
1 c. of milk (note the more fat your milk has, the creamier this will be Whole milk is creamier than Skim milk. 2% is best)
1 medium egg 

Combine water and milk and heat until bubbling. Not quite boiling. Add the brick of noodles and when they're no longer in the brick form add the season packet straight into the mix. Use as much as you'd like. Quickly crack the egg into the boiling water and let sit for a few until your noodles are done, then break the yolk and vigorously whisk into the broth. This makes a very creamy, custardy and very filling broth. Immediately pour into a bowl and enjoy with chopsticks and a spoon. 

This would be excellent with chopped green onions as a garnish.
If you try this method, tell me how you liked it :)

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