Monday, February 20, 2012

Just in time for Spring to arrive

Spring is right around the corner! And here in Mississippi it's starting to feel like it. Beautiful blue skies, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. It's 55*F outside right now, but it'll warm up to about 65 today and 74 tomorrow. We have a few beautiful days waiting for us before the rain comes  back (and we need it).

I noticed yesterday little bright yellow flowers blossoming from trees or vines. My grandmother said it was some kind of Jasmine. It was gorgeous (but probably what has my allergies giving me grief)!  It seems like we skipped over the worst of winter this year!

So in celebration of this new season approaching us I made some very springy, floral jewelry!

Feast your eyes.

Beautiful silver tone filigrees with some shiny aqua beads!

A Millefiori disk and leather strip bracelet! I love all the little flowers <3 I've claimed this one!

It's pretty and punky. I love the scrollwork on the heart. 

More Millefiori! I am in LOVE with this Italian technique. I want to make my own Millefiori one day.

I'm on a roll! Hopefully I'll start selling some more stuff! <3 

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