Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tossing up Plain Ramen Noodles

Top Ramen and Marchuan Ramen are the College Kid's staple foods. It's cheap, provides a burst of energy, and ,while not necessarily very nutritious, it fills a hole. It comes in a laundry list of flavors and there are several other brands that offer vegetable packets for more flavor and fill (often those kind are microwaveable).

My delicious, filling, perfect comfort creamy chicken ramen recipe

One day I wanted something to eat, but all we had was a box of Ramen. You know the big 12 pack boxes you can buy for maybe $3 max? I started digging through the fridge and instantly thought of the creamy chicken ramen flavor you can buy in some grocery stores. It's similar to the normal chicken, but just has dairy solids in the salt packet, which doesn't sound very appetizing. 

I decided to experiment and this is what I did:

You need:
1 packet of  Chicken Ramen
1 c. of water
1 c. of milk (note the more fat your milk has, the creamier this will be Whole milk is creamier than Skim milk. 2% is best)
1 medium egg 

Combine water and milk and heat until bubbling. Not quite boiling. Add the brick of noodles and when they're no longer in the brick form add the season packet straight into the mix. Use as much as you'd like. Quickly crack the egg into the boiling water and let sit for a few until your noodles are done, then break the yolk and vigorously whisk into the broth. This makes a very creamy, custardy and very filling broth. Immediately pour into a bowl and enjoy with chopsticks and a spoon. 

This would be excellent with chopped green onions as a garnish.
If you try this method, tell me how you liked it :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Sad Day

I woke up this morning at 8:15 to 10 missed calls from my mother. I returned the call expecting the worst, thinking something happened to her or my little sister Courtney. But instead, I found out this morning that my step-grandmother passed away after surgery. She has had problems with her left arm since she broke it 1995, and then a few years later had it fused at the elbow at a 90* angle. She kept re-injuring her arm and stayed with one infection or another. A couple weeks ago the doctors came to the only solution they could think of: Amputating her arm right above the elbow.

In all of our expectations, we expected her to pull through. She's strong. But looking back we should have been worried. She had only one functioning kidney and had a permanent catheter. A while back she accidentally shot herself in the stomach, damaging some of her inside workings. Don't ask how she managed that, because I don't know how. She has the worst luck with getting hurt. Even with all the things that was wrong with her, she left us way too young. She was 38 years old. More like a cooky, goofy much older sister to me than a step-grandmother. Her two kids, my half aunt and uncle, were more like niece and nephew instead of aunt and uncle. Old enough to be MY mother if she had me at like 16. My mom was older than her. Some may think that's just weird or gross, but she loved my Papa...and he loved her. I'm not one to judge them for that. I love her and my half aunt and uncle to pieces.

Apparently there was already infection in her body when they amputated the arm. After she got into recovery it spread and her heart gave out.

My heart hurts more for Dub and Rebecca and my Papa...I miss her tremendously and I keep trying to remember the last time I saw her...I hurt because I wish I could remember. I talked to her a few days ago before the surgery...and that was it. An 8 minute conversation. The last one I'd ever have with her on this earth.  I've been an awful step-granddaughter. I should've talked to her more.

Even though I'm sad she's gone, I know she's not in any more pain. She's not suffering anymore. She doesnt have to deal with the catheters and the medicines. The seizures and infections. She's in a better place.

I just pray her kids will be okay, and my papa. I pray Papa has more years ahead of him so the kids don't lose both their parents so soon.

It's been a sad day...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just in time for Spring to arrive

Spring is right around the corner! And here in Mississippi it's starting to feel like it. Beautiful blue skies, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. It's 55*F outside right now, but it'll warm up to about 65 today and 74 tomorrow. We have a few beautiful days waiting for us before the rain comes  back (and we need it).

I noticed yesterday little bright yellow flowers blossoming from trees or vines. My grandmother said it was some kind of Jasmine. It was gorgeous (but probably what has my allergies giving me grief)!  It seems like we skipped over the worst of winter this year!

So in celebration of this new season approaching us I made some very springy, floral jewelry!

Feast your eyes.

Beautiful silver tone filigrees with some shiny aqua beads!

A Millefiori disk and leather strip bracelet! I love all the little flowers <3 I've claimed this one!

It's pretty and punky. I love the scrollwork on the heart. 

More Millefiori! I am in LOVE with this Italian technique. I want to make my own Millefiori one day.

I'm on a roll! Hopefully I'll start selling some more stuff! <3 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cute, Cuddly, Adorable Owl Change Purse

Isn't this little guy the CUTEST thing ever? 
Yes, I think so too. 
While I'm not sharing a pattern for you guys to make him (I'm being very selfish with him. Shame on me), you can buy your very own little owl change purse from my store.

I'm in the process of making more colors and smaller/larger purses of animal designs. Mostly owls, because all the stylized owls I've been seeing around are super adorable and I love them. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Oh yeah! 

I've got more colors and designs coming up. Expect to see a Snowy Owl change purse, Barn Owl change purse, and a Tawny Owl change purse! Plus other nifty colored ones. 

Don't resist this cuteness, you can buy the little guy here!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ashlie's Cuddly, Cozy, Homespun Cowl

Ashlie’s Cuddly, Cozy, Homespun Cowl

This is my first crochet pattern ever!!!. You are,  by no means, required to follow it exactly. Use whatever yarn you’d like and whatever hook you’d like. Whatever suits your purposes best! It’s an easy pattern that works up super quick and is super snuggly! Perfect for a beginner looking to advance in skill. This is a free pattern, so I ask that you please give credit where credit is due. If you wish to sell what you make, please email me at If you wish to share this pattern, please link to the page instead of posting the entire thing on another site.

Here are some stitches and abbreviations you need to be familiar with:

Yarn: 1 skein of Lionbrand Homespun yarn (or other bulky yarn). [I used Parfait]
J hook (6mm)

Ch 100 and join with sl st.
Rnd 1: Ch 2, *HDC to end. Sl st in turning ch. Ch 2, turn.
Rnd 2-5: Repeat Rnd1 from * to sl st.
Rnd 6: Ch 4, sk 1 ch, DC in next ch, ch 1, sk 1 ch, DC in next ch. Repeat til end of row (****Do this in BLO****). Ch 1 & sl st into turning ch3.
Rnd 7:  Ch 2, HDC in 1st st. HDC in Ch 1 sp. HDC in next ch. Rep til end of Rnd. Sl st in turning ch.
Rnd 8: Repeat Rnd 7
Rnd 9: Repeat Rnd 8
Rnd 10-13:  Ch 2, HDC around. Sl St at end of row. Ch 2, turn.

If you have any questions please email me or leave a comment!
:Please, if you care to, visit My Store and like and share whatever you see that pleases you.
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